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How can I place an order?To buy in the Annalisa Queen E-store, use the specific links in the "Collection", "Capsule" category if present, "Accessories" or in the "Outlet" section if there are products on sale. Once you have found the product you want to order, select the color, size and click on "Add to cart" to add it to your shopping bag. You will be able to see the selected products by clicking on 'Shopping Bag' at the top right of the page. From the Shopping Bag you can directly change the quantity of products to buy, remove them if you have changed your mind or add them to your Wish List. To complete the order, simply click on "Checkout" and proceed to the shipping and payment data compilation phase.
Do I have to create an account to be able to place an order?Registering is not mandatory but by doing so you can: Track the shipment of your order and review all your purchases; Access your Wish List; Save your address and credit card details to make purchases faster; Manage your account details and newsletter subscription. Request your return authorization number directly from your account Receive all the news and the release of new collections by email.
How can I recover my password if I have forgotten it?Select "Forgot password" and enter your email in the pop up that opens and click on "send", you will receive an email with a link to click on to reset a new password.
How can I choose the size that suits me best?In the Annalisa Queen E-store, the size charts will open under each product by clicking on "Size Guide". In the first table above there are the Italian sizes with the corresponding measurements in centimeters of the "shoulders", "breasts", "waist" and "hips", so that you can measure yourself with a meter to determine which is the size that suits you best. The table below shows the sizes of other countries as they correspond to the Italian ones so that it will be possible for customers from all over the world to be able to choose the size that best suits them.
How do I know if a product is available?The products on the site are all available, when the size of an item of clothing ends it will no longer be possible to select it. If a specific product is out of stock, the indication "out of stock" will be written and if it returns to production it will be possible to pre-order it before it is available again on the site.
Can I send a package as a gift to another recipient?It is possible to send an order as a gift and to do so just tick the box of the "gift" function present at checkout and fill in the required fields. You can insert a personalized message to attach to your gift and choose not to indicate the price.
Is it possible to ship to multiple addresses through the same order?Each order can be shipped to a single address. If there are gifts or products in your order that need to be shipped to different locations, you will need to place a separate order for each address.
Is my shipment insured?All products are insured against theft and accidental damage while they are in transit from our warehouse to the shipping address. Once the products have been delivered to the specified shipping address and whoever picked them up has signed, they are no longer covered by insurance. If your package is damaged upon delivery, we suggest that you refuse delivery, or write a note upon signing that you are accepting a damaged package.
Can I change the delivery address after the order has been shipped?We are unable to redirect orders to a different address after shipment. Therefore, please make sure you provide an address where you can be reached at the time of delivery based on the delivery times specified, when you enter your shipping information when placing your order.
Can I add products to an order that has already been placed?It is not possible to change orders or add products to an existing order.
How do I know if my order has been received and when the payment will be charged?Once the online purchase process is completed, you will receive a confirmation email at the address used to place the order. Your credit or debit card will be debited at the time of order confirmation.
Can I track the shipment of my order?Once the order has been shipped, you will receive a confirmation email containing the shipping details and a tracking / reference number that you can click on to track the shipment of your order directly on the DHL website.
How long does it take for my orders to be processed?We strive to dispatch all orders within 24 hours.
How will I receive the package?The packaging consists of an elegant white case box customized with the Annalisa Queen logo. For some categories of clothing there is an additional personalized protection bag, in which the garment is wrapped.
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