In the Spring Summer 2021 collection among the fabrics chosen there is the hemp whose multiple functions are often underestimated. Hemp fibers are hollow and hygroscopic and the combination of these properties gives the hemp fabrics a high thermal insulation and breathable capacity together, so they are cool in summer and warm in winter, besides hemp is one of the most resistant natural fibers, both to the mechanical action (wear and tear) and to the deformations, thanks to this characteristics a hemp garment turns out to be soft, comfortable, cool with the heat and covering with the cold, very resistant, indeformable and durable. But hemp fabrics reveal other features even more special: they are reflective of both ultraviolet rays and UVA (up to 95%), shielding from electrostatic fields, do not conduct electricity, do not irritate the skin because they are hypoallergenic and keep away bacteria from the surface of our body because they are antiseptics.
The fabrics made from bamboo fiber are more resistant than cotton, are able to absorb moisture from the body, to absorb sweat and to keep the average body temperature below one or two degrees compared to normal. It’s biodegradable without releasing toxic substances. Shiny like silk, this fiber is also antimicrobial, antibacterial and protects against ultraviolet rays. For growth it is content with rainwater and its cultivation takes place without waste of resources, no need for pesticides or fertilizers. Compared to most plants it absorbs much more carbon dioxide and emits much more oxygen.
Organic Cotton
Organic cotton is a cotton grown with methods and products that have a low impact on the environment. For the production of organic cotton, organic production systems are used to fertilize the soil, eliminating the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, toxic and persistent in the cotton itself (important factor for skin health) and in the environment. Organic cotton production is certified by third-party bodies which verify that producers use only permitted methods and products in organic production. In addition to the ban on the use of toxic pesticides and synthetic fertilisers, organic cotton must not come from genetically modified (GMO) seeds in order to be designated as such.